UN NGO 59th Annual Conference

An open and honest forum for reactions to the conference entitled: Unfinished Business: Effective Partnerships for Human Security and Sustainable Development.

Wednesday, September 06, 2006

Katsutoshi Kaneda, Vice-Minister of Foreign Affairs, Japan

Its amazing how easily distinguishable the government reps are in comparison to the NGO or academics. Platitudes. That's nearly all you get, platitudes and diplomat-speak. While this sort of rhetoric may make it easier to get through a negotiation session at the CSD, it does not help identify solutions to problems of partnerships or problems of global consequence. Perhaps, I am being unfair...

Mr. Kaneda delivered a talk on human security and sought to convey the need to "redefine human security from a citizen's perspective." He mentioned the Trustfund for Human Security which is either operated by the Japanese government or is a UN project that was championed by the Japanese government and has supported over 150 security improving projects around the world. More research should be done on just what kind of projects can be considered security improving.

His overall tone was good. He feels, as do I, that an empowered community is a safer community. I guess his tool to forge an empowered community is this trustfund. Which should probably be commended.


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