UN NGO 59th Annual Conference

An open and honest forum for reactions to the conference entitled: Unfinished Business: Effective Partnerships for Human Security and Sustainable Development.

Wednesday, September 06, 2006

What in the world is going on at University of Cincinnati?

Early this year we became aware of an opportunity to tie into the annual UN NGO Conference taking place in New York City September 6 through 8, 2006. A committee was put together to discuss what potential a collaborative effort between the UN Department of Public Information, the University of Cincinnati's School of Planning, and a fledgling SustainUS geocluster in Southwest Ohio could have. The rigors of graduate curriculum caused the initial effort to fall short of implementing any sort of program.

Just three weeks prior to the opening session a core group calling themselves the Ad Hoc Committee on International Affairs in the School of Planning came together and were able to get the logistics together for a web-based interactive experience linking this NGO/Academic community in Cincinnati, Ohio to the proceedings of the 2500 NGOs gathered in New York. The following posts are summaries, reactions, provocations, thoughts and goals stimulated by the 59th UN NGO Conference. They are for the most part being written on site by attendees in an attempt to harness the proactive energy and ideas of the event before it dissipates as time brings other priorities into our lives.

Thanks for checking in and checking out our interpretation of this important gathering!

~The Ad Hoc Committee on International Affairs.
G.M, J.K., J.D.


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